Tutorial 2: Helmholtz Equation in 2D

In our second tutorial we consider a two dimensional example, a Helmholtz Equation in 2D. To be more precise:

We calculate on the two-dimensional domain [0,1] x [0,1] with

  • periodic boundary conditions in the first dimension,

  • homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions in the second dimension,

i.e. we have

some latex code

Again the solution is obtained using a uniform Wavelet-Galerkin method with a diagonal scaling preconditioner.

 * This example calculates a Helmholtz problem on the two-dimensional domain [0,1] 
 * with periodic boundary conditions in the first dimension and Dirichlet conditions
 * in the second dimension, i.e.
 *     - u_xx + c * u = f on (0,1)^2 , 
 *         u(1,y) = u(0,y)     for y in [0,1],
 *         u(x,0) = u(x,1) = 0 for x in [0,1]
 * The solution is obtained using a uniform Wavelet-Galerkin method with a
 * diagonal scaling preconditioner.

The complete example code in snippets:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <lawa/lawa.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace lawa;

Typedefs for Flens data types:

typedef double T;
typedef flens::GeMatrix<flens::FullStorage<T, cxxblas::ColMajor> >  FullColMatrixT;
typedef flens::SparseGeMatrix<flens::CRS<T,flens::CRS_General> >    SparseMatrixT;
typedef flens::DiagonalMatrix<T>                                    DiagonalMatrixT;
typedef flens::DenseVector<flens::Array<T> >                        DenseVectorT;

Typedefs for problem components:
Periodic Basis using CDF construction
Interval Basis using Dijkema construction
TensorBasis: uniform (= full) basis

typedef Basis<T, Primal, Periodic, CDF>                             PrimalBasis_x;
typedef Basis<T, Primal, Interval, Dijkema>                         PrimalBasis_y;
typedef TensorBasis2D<Uniform, PrimalBasis_x, PrimalBasis_y>          Basis2D;

HelmholtzOperator in 2D, i.e. for some latex code

typedef HelmholtzOperator2D<T, Basis2D>                             HelmholtzOp2D;

Preconditioner: diagonal scaling with norm of operator

typedef DiagonalMatrixPreconditioner2D<T, Basis2D, HelmholtzOp2D>   DiagonalPrec;

Right Hand Side (RHS): basic 2D class for rhs integrals of the form some latex code, with some latex code, i.e. the RHS is separable.

typedef SeparableRHS2D<T, Basis2D>                                  RHS2D;
typedef SumOfTwoRHSIntegrals<T, Index2D, RHS2D, RHS2D>              SumOf2RHS;

The constant 'c' in the Helmholtz equation.

const double c =  2.;

The solution u is given as some latex code.

some latex code

Right Hand Side for Laplace Operator and separable u (as given):

some latex code

which will be represented as f_rhs_x * u1 + u2 * f_rhs_y.

T u1(T x)
    if(x <= 0.25){
        return 1.5*x + 0.5;
    if(x <= 0.75){
        return -1.5*x + 1.25;
    return 1.5*(x-1.) + 0.5;

T u2(T y)
    if(y <= 0.5){
        return y;
    return -y + 1;

T f_rhs_x(T x)
    return 0.5 * c * u1(x);

T f_rhs_y(T y)
    return 0.5 * c * u2(y);

T sol(T x, T y)
    return u1(x) * u2(y);

T dx_sol(T x, T y)
    if(x <= 0.25){
        return 1.5 * u2(y);
    if(x <= 0.75){
        return -1.5 * u2(y);
    return 1.5 * u2(y);

T dy_sol(T x, T y)
    if(y <= 0.5){
        return u1(x);
    return -u1(x);

again we provide a function that writes the results into a file for later visualization.

printUandCalcError(const DenseVectorT u, const Basis2D& basis, const int J_x, const int J_y, 
                   const char* filename, const double deltaX=0.01const double deltaY=0.01)
    T L2error = 0.;
    T H1error = 0.;
    ofstream file(filename);
    for(double x = 0.; x <= 1.; x += deltaX){
        for(double y = 0; y <= 1.; y += deltaY){
            T u_approx =    evaluate(basis, J_x, J_y, u, x, y, 00);
            T dx_u_approx = evaluate(basis, J_x, J_y, u, x, y, 10);
            T dy_u_approx = evaluate(basis, J_x, J_y, u, x, y, 01);
            file << x << " " << y << " " << u_approx << " " << sol(x,y) << " " 
                 << dx_u_approx << " " << dy_u_approx << endl;
            T factor = deltaX * deltaY;
            if((x == 0) || (x == 1.)){
                factor *= 0.5;
            if((y == 0) || (y == 1.)){
                factor *= 0.5;
            L2error += factor * (u_approx -  sol(x, y)) * (u_approx - sol(x,y));
            H1error += factor * (dx_u_approx - dx_sol(x,y))*(dx_u_approx - dx_sol(x,y))
            +  factor * (dy_u_approx - dy_sol(x,y))*(dy_u_approx - dy_sol(x,y));
    H1error += L2error;
    L2error = sqrt(L2error);
    H1error = sqrt(H1error);
    DenseVectorT error(2);
    error = L2error, H1error;
    return error;

First we check our arguments ...

int main (int argc, char*argv[])
    /* PARAMETERS: */
    if(argc != 7){
        cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " d d_ j0_x J_x j0_y J_y" << endl;

... order of wavelets,

    int d = atoi(argv[1]);
    int d_ = atoi(argv[2]);

... minimal levels

    int j0_x = atoi(argv[3]);
    int j0_y = atoi(argv[5]);

... maximal levels.

    int J_x = atoi(argv[4]);
    int J_y = atoi(argv[6]);

Basis initialization, setting Dirichlet boundary conditions in the second dimension

    PrimalBasis_x b1(d, d_, j0_x);
    PrimalBasis_y b2(d, d_, j0_y);
    Basis2D basis2d(b1, b2);
    cout << "Cardinality of basis: " << basis2d.dim(J_x, J_y) << endl;

Operator initialization

    HelmholtzOp2D   a(basis2d, c);
    DiagonalPrec    p(a);

Right Hand Side:

Singular Supports in both dimensions

    DenseVectorT sing_support_x(4);
    DenseVectorT sing_support_y(3);
    sing_support_x =;
    sing_support_y = 0.0.51.;

Forcing Functions

    SeparableFunction2D<T> F1(f_rhs_x, sing_support_x, u2, sing_support_y);
    SeparableFunction2D<T> F2(u1, sing_support_x, f_rhs_y, sing_support_y);

Peaks: points and corresponding coefficients

(heights of jumps in derivatives)

    FullColMatrixT deltas_x(22);
    FullColMatrixT deltas_y(12);
    FullColMatrixT nodeltas;
    deltas_x = 0.253,
    deltas_y =  0.52;
    RHS2D rhs1(basis2d, F1, deltas_x, nodeltas, 2);
    RHS2D rhs2(basis2d, F2, nodeltas, deltas_y, 2);
    SumOf2RHS F(rhs1, rhs2);

Assemble equations system

    Assembler2D<T, Basis2D> assembler(basis2d);
    SparseMatrixT   A = assembler.assembleStiffnessMatrix(a, J_x, J_y);
    DenseVectorT    f = assembler.assembleRHS(F, J_x, J_y);
    DiagonalMatrixT P = assembler.assemblePreconditioner(p, J_x, J_y);

Solve system

    DenseVectorT u(basis2d.dim(J_x, J_y));
    cout << pcg(P, A, u, f) << " pcg iterations" << endl;

Generate output for gnuplot visualization

    printUandCalcError(u, basis2d, J_x, J_y, "u_helmholtz_pi.txt");

    return 0;